Susan Osborn’s “Silence and Song” classes Wednesdays in September

Susan Osborn will be offering another “Introduction to Silence and Song” class at  Eastsound’s  Orcas Mandala in September. “This is an opportunity for you to explore in depth the intimate relationship between your voice and your emotions,” says Susan.

The class will be offered all four Wednesdays in September — 5, 12, 19, 26 from 6 to 9 p.m.  $100 for all four classes.  Register online at:

From “Singing and Silence” at

Singing is a practice in listening; a way to center in the body and breath, contact who you are beyond thought, and from that place create a gift of beauty and truth to share with others.

Singing is the direct language of the soul, available to all people regardless of talent. It is a universally understood communication, beyond words, from one body to another.

Singing is a way to still the mind by deepening, slowing, and extending the breath. Singing arises from and returns to silence.

We will explore the nature of emotion, and how it influences and ultimately shapes the sound of the voice, as well as how singing can contribute significantly to our overall sense of well-being.