Contributed by Bernadette Vinson
To sign the online petition asking the Legislature to take specific steps (see below) go to:

Come one and all to the rally in Olympia on Wednesday, February 18, 11 to 2 p.m. This community-wide effort is being organized and mobilized now with just one week to go. Efficient, accessible and affordable ferry travel is imperative to the economic prosperity of island life here on Orcas.

Arrangements are being made for bus, van, and SUV travel to Olympia for the rally. Lance Evans at the Chamber has offered to look into bus travel as that will be the most efficient way to transport large numbers of participants should we get the desired local response.

We will look to the business and private sectors of our ferry-dependent community to help sponsor this volunteer effort.

Sign yourself, or someone you love, up so that we can have a strong showing at the rally in Olympia. There is power in large numbers and we will join forces with about 900 participants from our islanders to the south: Vashon, Bainbridge, and Bremerton.

We are hoping for a turnout of at least 300 participants from the San Juan’s, including Orcas, Lopez, Shaw and San Juan Island. So spread the word far and wide.

The petition, endorsed by the San Juan County Council (see Feb. 6 post) calls for the legislature to:

  • Dispense with further cuts in service and take actions to restore the system so it can efficiently meet the needs of its customers.
  • Reaffirm that the WSF is part of Washington’s highway system, that it is as important as all other major highways across the state and recognize the fiscal, legal and other obligations to the taxpayers and customers associated with that relationship.
  • Revise the “Made in Washington” requirement to allow WSF and Washington State to qualify for federal funding for the construction of ferries.
  • Provide a permanent source of equitable statewide funding to ensure the system.
  • Develop a sustainable, long term budget for the ferry system based on equitable statewide funding that caps fares at reasonable rates. . .

Please sign up with Bernadette Vinson at or call 376-8232 to reserve your space for travel to Olympia.

We anticipate a 7 a.m. departure and 5:45 p.m. return ferry trip to and from the rally. Bring a lunch and snacks. Dress weather appropriate. Make a sign to wave at the rally.

Michell and Doug at The Office Cupboard have the supplies for rally sign making.

Bring a smile and lots of energy to the rally!

Remember to sign the online petition at:

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