Register now for Orcas Library’s Annual Guest Poet’s Workshop as part of the celebration of National Poetry Month. Poet Kathleen Flenniken will conduct a Poetry Workshop on Saturday, April 24th from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Library.

Kathleen Flenniken’s first book, Famous (University of Nebraska Press, 2006), won the Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Poetry and was named a Notable Book by the ALA and a finalist for the Washington State Book Award.  Her poems have appeared in The Writer’s Almanac, American Life in Poetry, Poetry Daily, Poetry, and The Iowa Review, and she is a recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and Artist Trust.  She teaches with Writers in the Schools in Seattle and other arts agencies, and is an editor and president of Floating Bridge Press, a non-profit press dedicated to publishing Washington State Poets.

The poetry workshop will include a presentation on craft and publishing by Kathleen, as well as her critique of the poems submitted by participants.

Each poet will submit two poems by March 29th. We will mail all poems from the library.

The workshop is open to all, and will be limited to 15 participants, on a first-come basis. Register at the Library. The fee is $50.00

Questions: Call or email JoEllen Moldoff—376-7680,

Flenniken will present a reading of her poetry at the Library on Friday, April 23rd, open to the community. Details will be announced.