Shoreline Master Program – Process and Next steps

— from San Juan County —

The following schedule has been developed to guide the review of the SMP documents.

Meeting 1 – January 11, 2016 [Already held]
– General Policy Plan, Regulation Sections 7 through 14 – Process and Administration, Non-conforming uses, Exemptions

Meeting 2 – Wednesday, January 20, 2016 – Shoreline Maps and Designations; Shoreline Regulations: Sections 15 through 22 – Archaeology, Clearing/Grading/Vegetation, Environment & Critical areas, Flood Hazards; Sections 23 through 28 – Public Access, Signs, Lighting, General Regulations, Agriculture & Aquaculture.

Meetings 3 & 4 – Monday, January 25, 2016 and Tuesday, January 26, 2016 – Shoreline Regulations: Sections 29 through 48 – Shoreline Modifications, Overwater structures, Boating facilities, Shoreline stabilization, etc.; Sections 49 through 66 – Shoreline Uses, Shoreline Use and Modification tables; Sections 67 through 79 – Definitions, Density, Dimension and Open Space

Meeting 5 – (TBD) Requested Follow-Up Information/Adoption

For each meeting staff will provide the portion of the comment summary corresponding to the discussion topic, sorted in page number order, with staff responses to the comments. The hearing documents will be available electronically and projected onto the screen for use during deliberations.