March 23, 2016
16-001571 Weapons Offense 01:18:00 03/23/16
A Lopez Island deputy was called to investigate a series of gunshots in the Whiskey Hill area in the middle of the night. After an extensive check of the area, the source of the shots could not be determined. No further action was taken.

16-001572 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 05:31:45 03/23/16
A Deputy in Friday Harbor received a report of a person with mental problems. The person agreed to work with their counselor to try and resolve the matter.

16-001573 Fraud 08:34:18 03/23/16
A Deputy in Friday Harbor received a report of an identity theft. The victim reported that someone tried to open a line of credit in their name. Currently there are no suspects.

16-001577 Found Property 11:23:51 03/23/16
A citizen turned in a computer that was found in Friday Harbor. The computer was identified as stolen property and was returned to the owner.

16-001579 Citizen Dispute 12:51:29 03/23/16
I received a report of a person with mental problems. The person was taken to the hospital for a voluntary mental health evaluation.

March 24, 2016
16-001591 Found Property 08:39:39 03/24/16
A Deputy in Friday Harbor received a report of a found property. A backpack had been found on the reporting parties property. The owner of the backpack was attempted to be located with no success. The backpack was booked into evidence at the Sheriff’s Office for safekeeping.

16-001618 Trouble Unknown 18:33:42 03/24/16
A Deputy responded to a Lopez Island business for a 911 hang-up trouble unknown complaint on 03/24/16. The responding Deputy determined the business was under remodel and that the 911 call was most likely caused by faulty wiring. No additional action was required.

16-001620 Traffic Stop 19:04:53 03/24/16
I arrested a male subject within the Town of Friday Harbor for an active warrant of arrest and also issued him a criminal traffic citation for driving while license suspended in the third degree.

16-001625 Welfare Check 21:39:43 03/24/16
There was a mental health call out on Orcas. The MHP decided not to transport the person for treatment.

March 25, 2016
16-001629 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 09:51:06 03/25/16
I received a call back from a Shaw Island resident in regards to a suspicious phone call from an unknown female caller. We were unable to determine who the female was or where she was calling from to ascertain further information. A report was made.

16-001637 Attempted Suicide 14:25:43 03/25/16
I responded to the area of Peace Island Hospital in reference a suicidal person. I took the male into protective custody for Mental Health evaluation.

16-001638 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 14:55:02 03/25/16
A Deputy was dispatched to a Suspicious Circumstance in Friday Harbor. There was a male inside a bathroom and would not leave. Upon Deputy arriving he had already vacated. No further.

16-001651 Traffic Stop 18:08:17 03/25/16
A Deputy initiated a traffic stop in Friday Harbor on a vehicle for failing to stop at stop sign. The driver was cited and released for, Driving While Suspended Third Degree.

16-001662 Animal at Large 22:36:08 03/25/16
A Deputy met with a Lopez Island resident on 03/25/16 regarding an unidentified dog at large complaint. The reporting person found the unaccompanied dog walking on Cross Road. The dog was placed in a kennel. An effort to locate the owner to determine what enforcement action should be taken will be made.

March 26, 2016
16-001670 Unwanted Person 12:01:43 03/26/16
A Deputy was dispatched to an Unwanted person in Friday Harbor. The facility manager is taking care of the issue. No further.

16-001674 Traffic Stop 13:55:46 03/26/16
Orcas Deputies saw a known subject operating a scooter in the 100 block of A Street Eastsound. A traffic stop was initiated. Operator was cited for expired registration, helmet required and DWLS 3rd. The scooter impounded for a 30 day hold.

16-001676 Accident-NonInj 16:01:41 03/26/16
Deputies were dispatched to an accident at Spring St and Blair Ave. A vehicle was legally stopped at the stop sign and the second vehicle drove into the back of it. The second Driver was cited for Following Too Closely.

March 27, 2016
16-001691 Domestic Dispute or Assault 10:34:13 03/27/16
A SJC Sheriff Deputy met a female reporting party in Eastsound regarding an apparent domestic dispute. It was learned that one brother blocked the vehicle of another brother in the driveway and refused to move it. One party walked away. The case is still under investigation.

16-001696 Civil Problem 14:27:17 03/27/16
A Lopez deputy was dispatched to a landlord/tenant dispute involving possible drug paraphernalia. No drug paraphernalia was located and the landlord/tenant dispute continues to be resolved through civil litigation.

16-001697 Theft 15:32:32 03/27/16
A San Juan resident reported theft of her mailbox. The mailbox was mounted to substantial decorative tree trunk and the entire thing had disappeared, with no physical clues at the scene and no suspects. Case pending further information.

16-001699 Accident-Injury, Traffic 18:54:04 03/27/16
Deputies were dispatched to a non-injury traffic collision in the Deer Harbor area. When Deputies arrived it was determined there were no injuries, the damage to either property or vehicle was less than the threshold. The owner was able to drive vehicle away from scene.

16-001700 Area Check 22:04:58 03/27/16
A Lopez Island deputy discovered an unsecured exterior classroom door at the school. The building was checked and there was no sign of unlawful entry. A school staff member responded and secured the building. No further action necessary.

16-001701 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 22:14:20 03/27/16
A Lopez Island man reported that he returned home to find an unfamiliar car in his driveway up by his home. Fearing intruders maybe inside, he backed off, waiting for deputies to arrive. A 66 year old woman, unknown to the caller was found asleep inside the house. She was arrested for Criminal Trespass I.

16-001702 DUI 22:14:57 03/27/16
Deputies were dispatched to the area of Moran State Park reference a vehicle driving erratically. Deputies located the driver and vehicle at an Eastsound address. The driver denied driving erratically. No further action was taken.

March 28, 2016
16-001703 Burglary – Residential 08:27:17 03/28/16
A SJC Sheriff Deputy responded to an Eastsound residence regarding a window screen that had apparently been cut. It did not appear the residence had been entered and no items were taken. There are no suspects at this time.

16-001705 Burglary – Residential 13:01:03 03/28/16
A Lopez deputy was dispatched for a possible burglary which occurred over the weekend. The victim’s description matched the defendant from a similar case the previous evening. The suspect was recontacted, and admitted to being there. Charges filed with prosecutor.

16-001712 Mental Health 18:25:21 03/28/16
Reporting deputy was dispatched to a Citizen Assist in the Friday Harbor area. The reporting deputy arrived and contacted the citizen. The citizen expressed concern about some issues in the neighborhood. The deputy advised the citizen to call if the citizen had any further problems.

16-001714 Mental Health 20:14:24 03/28/16
Reporting deputy was dispatched to the Friday Harbor area in reference to a Citizen Assist. The caller was contacted and reported a crime. The deputy investigated the crime and the crime was unfounded.

16-001717 Area Check 22:07:24 03/28/16
A Lopez Island deputy discovered a motor home parked in the turnaround area of the Mackaye Harbor Boat Ramp. The owner was contacted and the vehicle will be removed by morning. No enforcement action was taken.

March 29, 2016
16-001719 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 03:51:29 03/29/16
The reporting deputy was dispatched to the Friday Harbor area in reference to a Suspicious Circumstance. The reporting deputy arrived and contacted the caller. The deputy investigated the callers complainant. The deputy investigated the incident and determined the incident was unfounded.

16-001724 Fraud 10:53:59 03/29/16
A SJC Deputy took a report of a fraudulant credit card use from a female in Eastsound. The credit card had been reported to be canceled for the last several years. The case is currently under investigation.

16-001726 Civil Problem 12:27:24 03/29/16
A Deputy in Friday Harbor assisted a citizen with retrieving some personal property from a business. The property was returned to the citizen.

16-001735 Threats 23:35:49 03/29/16
Deputy responded to a dispute between three subjects in Friday Harbor. Deputy found no criminal violations and settled group down.