— from San Juan County Sheriff’s Office —

February 28, 2018
18-001364 Sick or Injured Animal 09:40:40 02/28/18
A deputy responded to a walk in report of a Friday Harbor resident wishing to speak to a deputy about an animal issue. The Deputy made phone contact with the reporting party, contacted the other individual involved, and completed an informational report.

18-001367 Malicious Mischief 10:38:43 02/28/18
An Orcas deputy responded to a report of attempted theft of a package left a the door step of on Eastsound resident. This is one case of several mail thefts that occurred in that area. Investigation continues.

18-001369 Theft 10:55:37 02/28/18
An Orcas deputy responded to a report of mail theft in the Eastsound area. There have been several other similar cases in the area. An investigation had been conducted and a report was taken.

18-001371 Communications Problem 11:33:39 02/28/18
A Friday Harbor Deputy responded to a walk-in report of a Fraud that occurred online. Upon speaking with the involved person, it was discovered that the complainant suffered no financial loss as a result of this incident. The Deputy gathered the information and completed an information report.

18-001374 Theft 12:32:42 02/28/18
An Orcas deputy responded to report of mail theft in the Eastsound area. There had been multiple mail thefts in the area. An investigation has been conducted and a report was taken.

18-001377 Court Order Violation 15:53:34 02/28/18
Evidence was collected which indicate that a defendant has violated his conditions of release.

18-001383 Accident-NonInj 21:18:58 02/28/18
A deputy investigated a traffic accident at a local business. The vehicle lost its brakes and traveled into the side of the building. The driver was not impaired.

March 1, 2018
18-001388 Threats 08:37:32 03/01/18
A Deputy responded to a threats call between two students at Friday Harbor Elementary. The Deputy met with the Principal and involved parties, and completed a report.

18-001389 Traffic Violation 09:06:10 03/01/18
An Orcas Island citizen reported a vehicle driving recklessly in the Eastsound area. The investigation continues.

18-001390 Accident-Injury, Traffic 09:09:52 03/01/18
A Friday Harbor Deputy responded to a report of a two-car accident with injury. One driver was transported to the hospital and released after being treated. One driver was issued an infraction, both cars were towed due to damages, and a collision report was made.

18-001392 Theft 11:56:04 03/01/18
An Orcas deputy learned of additional victim of mail theft in Eastsound. An investigation is still on going. A report was taken.

March 2, 2018
18-001406 Domestic Dispute or Assault 08:12:51 03/02/18
A deputy was contacted at the Sheriff’s Office in reference to a Domestic. The person provided a statement on the incident. The other person involved was contacted at another location. That person was arrested for assault and booked into custody.

18-001408 DUI 10:59:23 03/02/18
A Lopez deputy was sent to check on a person that was possibly ill or impaired arriving on the ferry from Anacortes. The person was contacted and found to be neither.

18-001410 Threats 12:40:16 03/02/18
A deputy was contacted at the Sheriff’s Office in reference to Threats. The person complained that threats were yelled at them from a moving vehicle. The person did not want any enforcement action at this time but wanted the incident documented.

18-001411 Domestic Dispute or Assault 12:59:17 03/02/18
A deputy was dispatched to the San Juan Island area in reference to a Domestic. The caller was contact. The caller advised that there had been an incident earlier in the day with a relative. Investigation continues

March 3, 2018
18-001432 Accident-Injury, Traffic 11:32:59 03/03/18
A Deputy on Orcas responded to a two vehicle collision. The case is being investigated.

18-001433 Court Order Violation 12:05:50 03/03/18
A deputy was dispatched to an Order Violation in the San Juan Island area. The involved persons were contacted and there was no violation of the court order. Informational report taken.

18-001438 Civil Problem 13:51:48 03/03/18
A deputy settled a civil dispute between neighbors on San Juan Island.

March 4, 2018
18-001448 Vehicle Prowl 11:30:39 03/04/18
A Lopez Island woman reported that someone had gotten into her car and taken items while it was parked at the Spit. A report was taken.

18-001451 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 12:45:52 03/04/18
Spoke with r/p. Observed a female removed an item from trailer. Item looked like it might be a long gun but not sure. Female got into the describe vehicle with a male driver. R/p was unable to identify the male because she did not get clear look. Vehicle left and head to town.

18-001453 Accident-HitRun 13:47:56 03/04/18
A deputy was contacted in reference to a Hit and Run Unattended. The caller advised that the mailboxes were knocked down during the past snowy weather. Report taken.

18-001462 Unwanted Person 08:01:53 03/05/18
A Lopez Island deputy was called regarding an unruly patron at a local business. The subject left the premises when told they were no longer welcome there. An information report was taken.

March 5, 2018
18-001464 Accident-HitRun 09:18:24 03/05/18
A deputy was contacted at the Sheriff’s Office in reference to a Hit and Run Unattended. The incident occurred on San Juan Island. Report taken.

18-001474 Court Order Violation 15:34:59 03/05/18
A Deputy responded to a walk-in report of a possible order violation. It was determined that a violation did not occur and an information report was made.

18-001475 Accident-NonInj 15:40:44 03/05/18
A Deputy in Friday Harbor received a report of a vehicle collision. A state collision report was completed and the drivers exchanged information.

18-001483 Civil Problem 19:16:23 03/05/18
Deputies responded to a landlord-tenant dispute. Both parties were informed of the landlord tenant laws and shown where to find them on line. The issue was resolved at that time.

March 6, 2018
18-001500 Wanted Person 14:47:38 03/06/18
A Friday Harbor Deputy arrested an individual on an outstanding warrant out of Kitsap County. The individual was booked into jail and a report made.

18-001504 Animal at Large 17:31:35 03/06/18
An Orcas Island Deputy was assigned an animal at large call. The animal was taken to the shelter and the owner contacted. The animal had current tags. A report was taken.