April 12, 2017
17-001949 DUI 00:14:55 04/12/17
A Deputy advised a patron in a bar establishment not to drive. The female patron did not listen to the deputy’s instructions and drove. The deputy interviewed the driver. It was discovered the driver was under the influence of alcohol and arrested.

17-001953 Accident-Injury, Traffic 09:52:32 04/12/17
A Deputy was dispatched to a single vehicle non-injury collision in Friday Harbor. A collision report was completed and no infractions issued.

17-001966 Vehicle Theft 21:35:45 04/12/17
A Deputy was advised of a dispute which involves property being held by a Friday Harbor resident who had been involved in a domestic dispute. The resident has been refusing to give the property back even after contacting the property owner and telling him to pick it up. Ongoing investigation.

April 13, 2017
17-001973 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 12:02:29 04/13/17
A juvenile female reported that her mother had provided marijuana to her as a birthday gift. The marijuana was turned over to Detectives for a follow up investigation.

17-001976 Malicious Mischief 14:18:01 04/13/17
A Deputy responded to a residence on San Juan Island reference vandalism. There are no suspects at this time.

April 14, 2017
17-001990 Threats 13:42:00 04/14/17
A deputy was dispatched to the Friday Harbor area in reference to a Citizen Dispute. When the reporting deputy arrived, one of the involved parties had already left the area. Report taken for information purposes.

17-002017 Traffic Stop 20:36:09 04/14/17
A Lopez Island Deputy issued a ticket to a motorist who failed to secure a load of logs onto his flatbed truck. The logs fell off the truck in the 2800 block of Mud Bay Road.

April 15, 2017
17-002023 Weapons Offense 02:38:46 04/15/17
A Deputy responded to a Lopez residence for a reported drive by shooting. The reporting person stated he heard several gunshots in front of his home and then saw a vehicle drive away. The vehicle owner had an altercation with one of the residents earlier in the evening. The investigation continues.

17-002025 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 09:27:39 04/15/17
An Orcas deputy responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle in the early hours driving slowly and stopping at mail boxes in the Eastsound area. An investigation is ongoing.

17-002033 Vicious Animal 15:29:48 04/15/17
A Lopez Island resident contacted deputies regarding a neighbor’s dogs barking. All parties were contacted and various courses of action discussed. No enforcement action was requested.

April 16, 2017
17-002056 Animal Bite 11:48:38 04/16/17
A deputy was dispatched to an Animal Bite in the San Juan Island area. The victim was contacted and an informational report was taken.

April 17, 2017
17-002074 Boating Accident Injury 12:19:18 04/17/17
San Juan County Sheriff’s Office was notified by USCG they were responding to a boat in distress on James Island. A report will be completed. Awaiting further information.

17-002076 Lost Property 13:28:27 04/17/17
A North Bend man reported that he had left his kayak paddles behind at Hummel Lake on Lopez Island. A deputy was able to find them. The man will pick them up when he returns to Lopez Island.

17-002082 Sex Offense 14:02:33 04/17/17
A deputy was contacted via the phone in reference to a Suspicious Circumstance that occurred in the San Juan Island area. The caller advised that while walking, a vehicle stopped to ask directions. During the conversation, the driver of the vehicle was exposed to the caller.

17-002079 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 14:15:25 04/17/17
A deputy was dispatched to an Eastsound address in regards to an attempted burglary with no entry. No suspect(s) known. A report was taken.

17-002080 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 14:25:56 04/17/17
An Orcas Deputy was asked to call an Olga resident about a suspicious trespasser asking to buy her home. The subject left but the citizen wanted law enforcement to know. The subject was found and left Orcas.

April 18, 2017
17-002089 Fraud 07:33:36 04/18/17
A Deputy met an Orcas resident at Islanders Bank regarding check fraud. A report was taken and a suspect has been identified. The case is still under investigation.

17-002092 Domestic Dispute or Assault 10:03:00 04/18/17
Deputies were dispatched to a report of Domestic Assault in Friday Harbor. Suspect was arrested for Assault 4th Degree/DV.

17-002093 Fraud 10:52:06 04/18/17
A Deputy was dispatched to a report of Credit Fraud in Friday Harbor. Investigation Continues.

17-002097 Citizen Dispute 12:10:33 04/18/17
A deputy was contacted at the Sheriff’s Office in reference to an Order Violation that occurred in the San Juan Island area. The caller advised that he had accidental contact with a protected party. The caller decided to self report. Investigation continues.

17-002102 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 16:56:01 04/18/17
Deputies were at the Friday Harbor Airport on an unrelated investigation when our attention was drawn to the listed subject by airport workers. We were told that the subject was being disorderly.

17-002105 Overdose 19:19:08 04/18/17
A Deputy responded to a Lopez Island residence for a CPR in progress report. It was determined that the patient had suffered a narcotic drug overdose. The patient was subsequently revived and flown off island for medical treatment. The investigation continues.

17-002107 Accident-Hit Run 22:15:29 04/18/17
An Eastsound woman reported someone had struck her parked vehicle in Eastsound and did not leave a note. No known suspects or leads. A report was taken.