— from Chris White for the Sunrise Volunteers, Orcas Lions Club–

On Friday, Jan. 15 at 7 a.m. Sheriff Ron Krebs and Detective Stephen Parker commuted from Friday Harbor to speak to our Sunrise Breakfast Group. About 17 were on hand to hear a very interesting “state of the county” in regards to law enforcement by Ron.

Topics ranged from online and phone scams to drug enforcement. Did you know, the most frequent call they get is domestic violence? There is no doubt the department has their hands full including adding a new deputy to Orcas who will soon have six, the transition for Sargent Maya to Friday Harbor and ongoing training for all. Currently, the department is operating $80,000 under budget and has managed to double the minimal education hours for the officers at the same time.

The Department has asked for our help on 2 topics; first, if you see suspicious drug activity please call it in or email Detective Parker at Stephen Parker Stephenp@sanjuanco.com, and secondly the department plans to publish a brochure of the current online and phone scams, they will need our help getting those out to seniors and to the general population, some of the scams are very smooth so education is expected to help, remember “Never wire anything”!