— from Ron Krebs, SJC Sheriff —

As I sit here in my office, I am listening to the news reports of the Dallas shootings. I sit here stunned by what I am hearing and seeing. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of the friends, families and loved ones of ALL of those who have lost their lives these past few weeks, on both sides of the line.

While we are a nation that is divided, we are fortunate here in our little paradise to be the exact opposite. During this time of strife and negativity, we remain positive. Every last one of us are extremely grateful for your support. We remain 100% committed to continuing the brand of community policing that protects our island way of life: Where education comes before enforcement. Where serving the public in a professional and respectful manner is paramount to everything we do. Treating everyone with dignity and respect is a top priority.

It is only through all of our individual efforts that we will remain the family-like paradise that we are. These are tough times for a lot of people. My door is always open and I welcome the open dialogue.

Humbly and respectfully,
Ron Krebs, Sheriff