I’m thrilled to invite you to a special online Earth Month Concert hosted by the People’s Voice Café, the venue at which Mike and I met in NYC 23 years ago this month.

We’ll be doing a 25-minute set in this concert honoring Mother Earth at 5 pm Pacific / 8 pm Eastern time THIS SATURDAY, April 17. The concert will focus on the themes of climate change and environmental justice.

You can register at: https://www.peoplesvoicecafe.org

We’re asking people, if you can afford a $12 donation for the concert, to please register for the Zoom webinar at the link above.

Peoples’ Voice will also be live streaming the concert for free on Facebook. As always, no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Here’s the link to the Facebook  page: https://www.facebook.com/peoplesvoicecafe

People watching the concert on Facebook are welcome to make donations, which will be greatly appreciated.

Regardless of how people make donations for the concert, 90% of whatever donations are  received will go to the performers. The remaining 10% will help pay Peoples’ Voice Café’s expenses (e.g. Zoom account fee, web hosting fee, insurance premiums). People’s Voice therefore asks people to please register for the Zoom webinar if you can afford to do so.

Thanks so much, and hoping to see you in cyberspace on April 17. Yours for a healthy, peaceful planet Earth, and a healthy, joyful, prosperous year to come.