By Sharon Abreu

I hope you can join me at 4:30 today, Sunday, Dec. 9. I’ll be leading the songs in a lovely hour-long candlelight prayer service in the Emmanuel Church Parish Hall. The service will consist of a few short readings and several short songs that everyone can sing along with.

The service is for prayer, renewal and reflection in the style of Taizé, a religious community in France where the artist Matisse spent his last days. Taizé songs are very short and are used in deep singing in different spiritual traditions.

This service is being done by the Lutheran Church, but to me it’s more spiritual than religious. If you’d like to come and sing, I think it will be a deep shared experience.

The contemplative service incorporates simple, repetitive song and chant, with scripture and silence set in a space of quiet and soft light. The ecumenical service, rooted in unifying prayer, is meant to foster reconciliation and peace.

The service will be today, Sunday, Dec. 9, from 4:30-5:30 pm in the Emmanuel Parish Hall..