Sharon Abreu and Mike Hurwicz perform at the noontime Brown Bag Concert next Wednesday

Sharon Abreu and Mike Hurwicz perform at the noontime Brown Bag Concert next Wednesday

From Sharon Abreu

Come join us for our annual Brown Bag Concert at Emmanuel Church in Eastsound this coming Wednesday, August 7, from 12:00-12:30 pm.

This year, Mike and I will be sharing some new original songs, and a couple of golden oldies. And there will be an aria! We’ll be joined by special guests Bill Griswold and Frank Michels, doing an encore performance of “The Confrontation” duet from Les Mis, accompanied by Ron Myers on piano.

Bring your lunch, and after the half-hour concert, we’ll all hang out and have lunch together. Come early to make sure you get seats as we have overflowed the church in years past.