— from Kristen Wilson —

WOW! This is exactly the kind of night that makes me so happy and proud to be an Orcas Islander. What an amazing job EVERYONE did.

As an audience member only, I just have to say how IMPRESSED I am with the amount of effort and creativity that everyone put into their roles for this evening.

Photos: Courtesy of Kristen Wilson

Photos: Courtesy of Kristen Wilson

Paul and Martha and Charley -What a perfect kick-off to the evening

Vanessa – Beautiful


Audra and team – Boy howdy – you BLEW ME AWAY!

Cali – You were fabulous dahling. Love your voice, love the wardrobe.

Michael – Thank you! – excellent – and loved the story from high school

Tom, Carolyn and Lauren – excellent casting! – and as I already said – a star is born!

Jake – oh goodness, I hate to say this – but I didn’t get a photo of you –

I think I was so entranced by what you were saying – thank you for bringing some perspective to the whole evening.

Freddy – as they say – you could read the phone book and I would love you

Stormy – you are more amazing everytime I see you.

Martin and Grace Show – More, more, more. Martin – Love that you wrote an original song for the festival – it should become an annual sing-along. and Grace – I just love to hear you sing!

Kelly – I think you almost stole the show.

Jim – Perfect choice, wonderful delivery

Almost Classical – so proud of you three

Steve – love the audience participation – and I agree with Puck – nobody wears tights better

Christopher and Cat – we were so lucky to be in your hands – your quick wit and repartee kept the show moving along – GREAT JOB

Robert, Robert, Robert – My goodness gracious – you pulled it all together – FANTASTIC!