Jay Kimball

Please join Orcas Senior Center and Jay Kimball, founder of 8020 Vision, a consulting firm that helps organizations understand global impacts and related environmental changes for an engaging dialogue on climate change and its impact on the San Juan Islands. Jay will provide an intriguing 20-year outlook on energy and climate impact in San Juan County and things we can do to adapt on Wednesday, November 17 at 1 p.m. by Zoom.

Jay is an engineer who consults on mega-trends in climate change and how to generate and use energy to reduce carbon emissions. Jay also works with OPALCO on long-range planning, clean energy grants, and member insight.

To attend, go to the Calendar of Event at orcasseniors.org on Wednesday, November 17 at 1 p.m. To continue offering great programs like this one, your generous donation is always welcome.

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