Meeting of the Minds – “Past, Present, and Future of The Exchange/Orcas Recycling Services” by Orcas Senior Center: Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 1 p.m.


For the next Orcas Senior Center Meeting of the Minds presentation Board President Jim “Duff” Duffield and Executive Director Pete Moe from The Exchange/Orcas Recycling Services will teach us about the history of The Exchange and Orcas Recycling Services, what is happening now, and what the future holds.

In 1981, a group of community activists created Orcas Island’s legendary reuse center, The Exchange. These visionaries created a system to “reduce, reuse, recycle” before the phrase existed. Then in 2011, San Juan County announced they wanted to stop managing solid waste. Fearful that a big garbage corporation would take over the Orcas Transfer Station and evict The Exchange, the board of directors decided to respond to the County’s request for proposals.

To attend this presentation, go to the Calendar of Events at on Wednesday, October 20 at 1pm. To continue offering great programs like this one, your generous donation is always welcome.