Wednesday, December 5, 1:15 p.m., Orcas Senior Center

— from Sara Boyle for Orcas Senior Center —

We are more alike than we are different. We all need healthy food. We all need fresh air. We all need clean water. The Orcas Senior Center Nonprofit is offering the second presentation in the new lecture series called Meeting of the Minds on Wednesday, December 5 at 1:15 p.m. in the Lundeen Room at the Senior Center.

Lynn Roberts will compare life in Guatemala to life on Orcas Island from 1880-1900 in his media presentation Highland Mayan Culture. Roberts graduated from University of Washington in biology and botany. He is the former owner Orcas Service Company, and he founded the non-profit Agua Para La Salud, (Water for Health). The non-profit started in 1994 after the 35-year civil war in Guatemala.

He manages the non-profit today working primarily in small village water systems and school sanitation facilities and hygiene education. Roberts said that when he visited Central America he was, “struck by similarities between Mayan village life today and life on Orcas Island 1880s.”

Put us on your calendar for the first Wednesday of every month. We have attracted enough speakers to make Meeting of the Minds a monthly event. If you have additional ideas for speakers that you think we should consider, please contact Vicki O’Keefe at the Orcas Senior Center with your ideas at, or stop by the center for a conversation.