— from Sara Boyle for Orcas Senior Center —

Support Orcas Seniors by Shopping on Oct 18th at the Co-op!
Please support the Orcas Senior Center Nonprofit by shopping at the Orcas Food Co-op on Oct. 18 for 3% Thursday Community Shopping Day! For this day only, 3% of all Co-op sales will be donated to the Senior Center. Stock up on organics or enjoy a tasty lunch and support our mission to help all islanders age well on Orcas!

November Art – Call for Aprons at the Senior Center!
The November Art Exhibit at the Orcas Senior Center will feature APRONS AND STORIES ABOUT YOUR APRON, if you have one. Please bring them to the Senior Center on October 29th before 1pm. Special thanks to the Visual Arts Committee for bringing our walls to life with vibrant Art shows every month!

Orcas Senior Center Appreciation Event – November 3rd
The Orcas Senior Center will be holding our Annual Appreciation Event on Saturday, November 3rd from 2-4pm. This event gives us the opportunity to bring our members, volunteers, organizational partners, and committee members together to appreciate all the hard work and effort put forth to offer services and programs here at the Senior Center, we couldn’t do it without you! This event is free and the entire community is invited to join us for appetizers and time to give thanks – If you are able to, please make sure to RSVP to orcasseniorcenter@gmail.com or call 360-376-7929 by 10/26/18. Keep a watch out for more information about this event on our website in the press!

Age Well on Orcas by Helping Seniors Stay Independent – AARP Smart Driver Course on October 25th and 26th (Room still available!)

Americans are healthier. They are living longer. Some seniors are outliving their ability to drive safely by an average of seven to ten years, according to the American Automobile Association, (AAA). Seniors are safe drivers compared to other age groups. They reduce risk of injury by wearing safety belts, and observing speed limits. The wisdom of age teaches them not to drink and drive. Many older drivers recognize and avoid situations where their limitations put them at risk. They drive less after dark, in bad weather, and avoid difficult roads. Many older drivers fear having to depend on others to get around. Medications, stiffness and hearing loss can cause driving to change over time. Encouraging an older driver to take a class can help. Most courses are self-rating programs and can help our seniors stay relevant on the road.

Thursday October 25th and Friday October 26th the Orcas Senior Center Nonprofit is offering the AARP Smart Driver Course from 10 a.m. to 1p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. Presenter Maddie Rose teaches a research based driving strategies proven to keep you safe behind the wheel. She will help refresh driving skills and alert drivers to new rules of the road. Please note, many insurance companies offer discounts to drivers who complete this course. Contact the Senior Center Front desk to sign up (707-376-2677). Questions? Contact Vicki O’Keefe, OSC Nonprofit Program and Activities Coordinator, at 360-376-7723.