Wednesday, April 10, 1 – 3 p.m., Senior Center

— from Lena Kassa for Orcas Senior Center —

Join us for a hands-on tutorial for step-by-step instructions in filling out an Advance Directive/Living Will. The workshop will be led by Libby Garcia, RN, who has spent most of her career in emergency situations, where she has glimpsed the near-to-last moments of many lives.

After 16 years as a hospice nurse, bearing witness to the process of dying has emboldened her to speak out about planning for end of life. She brings compassion and practicality to end of life discussions, helping people navigate these tricky waters using their personal values as the compass.

Visit to review the Advance Directive form that we will use. This workshop is FREE, but pre-registration is required. Please sign-up at the Orcas Senior Center front desk or by calling 360-376-2677.