— from Arron Redford —

The Operations Committee and staff of the Orcas Island Senior Center would like to encourage you to join us as we celebrate and enjoy the talents of Didier Gincig and his friends at our Seniors Have Talent show this November 5 and 12. Please take this opportunity to thank Didier for his years of service at the Senior Center as Hearts and Hands Coordinator. His energy and enthusiasm for coordinating the care and service of our island’s elders is recognized by all of us here at the Senior Center. While Didier retires from the role previously known as Hearts and Hands Coordinator, he will surely continue to be of service on this island and, hopefully, again in other forms here at our Senior Center.

Since Hearts and Hands joined the Orcas Island Senior Center in 2009, this program has been administered by an independent contractor. In 2016, the Operations Committee voted to make the Hearts and Hands program an integral part of the Senior Center and create an employee position to administer Hearts and Hands. With the hiring of Celia Farr-Smith this October 2016 we have achieved this goal. The position of Senior Center Administer will carry out the task of collecting and reporting on Hearts and Hands volunteer hours while providing support to the Senior Center Manager in achieving the vision of the Operations Committee for a successful Senior Center.

The Hearts and Hands program will continue to offer the same services, but these activities will now be supported and administered by the staff of the Senior Center. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or if you or someone you know is in need of assistance from a Hearts and Hands volunteer, please contact Arron Redford at 360-376-7929 or orcasseniorcenter@gmail.com.