Paper Fish, a arecent work by Joe Floren, one of many on display at the Senior Center. Opening Reception on Thursday, Feb. 11

"Paper Fish," a recent work by Joe Floren, one of many on display at the Senior Center. Opening Reception on Thursday, Feb. 11

“In an Abstract State of Mind,” a mixed exhibit of paintings and digital photographs by island artist Joe Floren,  will be featured in the Lundeen gallery at Orcas Senior Center throughout February.

A reception for the artist will be held Thursday, February 11, from 4 to 6:30 p. m.

Floren, whose main recent emphasis is abstract photography, will include in the show several large acrylic paintings,  also heavily abstract in approach.
This is his first one-man show on Orcas since 2007.  His works have been shown in one-man and group exhibits in galleries and  museums in Portland, Tacoma, Yakima and Seattle, and are part of private and corporate art collections throughout the Northwest.