The Meals on Wheels program, first signed into law in March 1972 by President Richard Nixon, has for nearly 50 years delivered more than just nutritious meals, it also provides a vital lifeline and connection to the community.

By now you have certainly heard about the dramatic increase in Meals on Wheels deliveries during the months of COVID-19 self-isolation. What you may not know is that these meals are only partially subsidized by State and Federal funds. The rest comes from grants, meal donations, and other donations.

The Orcas Senior Center non-profit is extremely grateful to all of the donors who made it possible for us to continue to support this vital program, including those who donated to the nutrition program through the 2020 OICF GiveOrcas Spring Catalog. Your generous donations not only sustained us through 2020, they also put us in a strong position to face 2021.

This month is national March for Meals month, when all of the Meals on Wheels programs in the nation come together to celebrate the collaboration of local community organizations, businesses and the many individuals who ensure that this program continues. To learn more about the 2021 March for Meals, please see the INSERT HERE.

And thank you all again for your continued support!