From the Senate Democratic Office

Sen. Kevin Ranker (D-Orcas Island) was honored Friday, Nov. 16, by The Ocean Foundation as an “Ocean Hero” for his leadership in marine conservation and on critical ocean issues. Ranker was recognized with five other recipients including Alexandra Cousteau of Blue Legacy International and “The Ocean Doctor” David Guggenheim.

“I am honored and humbled to be recognized as a ‘Hero,’” said Ranker. “Oceans are critical to all Washingtonians – not only as a special place for those of us who love and enjoy the coast and Sound, but a critical economic driver for thousands of jobs and related industries.”

Ranker chairs the Energy, Natural Resources & Marine Waters Committee in the Washington State Senate, and is an advisor to President Obama’s National Ocean Council.

He is a fourth-generation surfer and fisherman whose great grandfather started fishing, diving and surfing in California in the 1920s. “Growing up, I had endless opportunities to enjoy our Sound and ocean, which helped me develop an appreciation for the natural environment and the jobs that depend upon it,” said Ranker. “Because of The Ocean Foundation’s work my son and daughter and future generations will be able to continue to enjoy our remarkable oceans, too.”