On March 10, the Senate passed legislation sponsored by Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-San Juan Island, that directs state agencies to lead the way in reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

“I believe our state government should lead by example by reducing emissions and increasing energy efficiency now,” said Ranker. “Last year the Legislature set a statewide greenhouse gas limit that asks everyone to help reduce emission levels to the 1990 level by 2020, and I think this bill lays down a marker by showing that this is a realistic goal that can actually be achieved sooner rather than later.”

Senate Bill 5560 requires state agencies to meet emission reduction targets that the state adopted in 2008 and for state agencies to install cost effective energy measures identified in energy audits of buildings that have not had an energy audit in the past 5 years.

“I think it’s important for the state to show it can follow even more stringent guidelines than it sets for everyone else,” Ranker said.

Ranker’s bill also requires state motor pool fleets to reach an average fuel economy of 36 miles per gallon by 2015.

Ranker’s bill passed the Senate on a vote of 33 to 14 and was a key part of a legislative package of bills sponsored by Senate Democrats centering on energy, climate, and the creation of green jobs.

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