From the Senate Democrat Office

Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Orcas Island, was elected President on Wednesday [July 17] of the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) at the organization’s Annual Summit in Anchorage, AK.

Formed in 1991, PNWER is a non-partisan, public-private partnership that includes Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon and the Northwest Territories in Canada; and Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, Washington and Montana in the United States. The regional partnership of 10 U.S. states and Canadian provinces works to increase the economic well-being, coordinate energy, economic and environmental strategies and enhance the competitiveness of the region. The partnership represents a combined regional GDP of $1 trillion.

Ranker was first appointed as the delegate from Washington State to PNWER in 2010. He served as the organization’s vice president the last two years.

“I am humbled, I am honored, and above all else – I am excited,” Ranker said. “I believe there are incredible opportunities before us in this region and I believe PNWER is the organization that is positioned to ensure we maximize each of these opportunities. PNWER is about bringing together every perspective: public, private, NGO’s, to advance our shared goals and help craft regional solutions to global challenges. Here there are people united in working toward a common goal of doing what’s best for our region and its citizens.

“We must all continue to work together and lead the rest of the world by our example. We can do this if we stay true to the principles of cooperation and compromise which have guided us for more than two decades.

“I’m excited to continue to bring the priorities of the 40th district and Washington State to this critical regional and national discussion.”

The PNWER president heads the executive committee, which is the decision-making body of PNWER. The president also represents the organization in numerous visits to both nation’s capitals, as well as state and provincial meetings throughout the region.

Matt Morrison, Chief Executive Officer of PNWER, said the organization was pleased to welcome the senator to his new role.

“Kevin Ranker has contributed much to the organization over the past two years in his role as vice-president,” Morrison said. “We look forward to a year of significant achievements under his leadership, at a time when United States-Canada issues are extremely important, and this region is being looked to for solutions.”