Thursday, April 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Friday Harbor

By Minnie Kynch

A seminar dedicated to that generation of resolute Americans we call the Founding Fathers.

Author, performer and lecturer, Bill Norton will conduct a seminar on the Constitution and our Founding Fathers on April 18, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the American Legion on First Street in Friday Harbor

Bill Norton is a creative and historical consultant. He is co-author of the book The Miracle of America, Birth of a Nation. He took a lead role in developing the book into “The Miracle of America” concert and has performed throughout the nation as the narrator for the concert which combines music, stories and vignettes about the founders of our nation.

His seminar will focus on stories of the first free people to survive as a nation in modern times. Our founders wrote a new kind of Constitution that is now the oldest in existence. They built a new kind of commonwealth designed as a model for the whole human race. They created an expansive new cultural climate that gave eagle’s wings to the human spirit. They encouraged exploration and technology to reveal the secrets of the universe. They built a free –enterprise culture to promote millions of jobs and unprecedented prosperity.

Students and teachers are invited to attend the class free of charge. This class fulfills the WA State Department of Education requirements for Constitution training.

Join us for a comprehensive study of the American Constitution and the Founding Fathers who created it. The seminar is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, endorsed by Friday Harbor Grange and Daughters of American Revolution.

Seating is limited to 50 people and pre-registration is required at the American Legion Building in Friday Harbor. Tuition is $15 for pre-registered adults or $20 at the door. This class is FREE for pre-registered students. Lunch/Study Guide and Pocket Constitution included in tuition fee.

Call 378-7040 for more information or email