From the Healing Arts Center

The practitioners of the Healing Arts Center are excited to offer the Spring Healing Arts Fair, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday April 28 and 29.

Treat your mind, body, and spirit right this spring by receiving a session with one of our talented practitioners at discounted prices. Choose from a large variety of massage and bodywork styles, as well as acupuncture, movement classes, stress awareness class, and intuitive readings.

Our 16 practitioners offer these services at $25/half-hour and $45/hour, and group classes at $7 and $10. Each donates 4 hours of services to support the Healing Arts Center non-profit cooperative during our twice-yearly Fair weekends.

Sessions must be reserved, and our schedule fills quickly, so contact us soon for best selection. Some appointments and classes may be open if you call during the Fair; we also have a few coupons for Fair sessions beyond the weekend.

As a bonus this year the Healing Arts Center will run a Food Drive Raffle. Bring in a non-perishable food item andreceive a raffle ticket for a chance to win a treatment with the practicioner of your choice. Increase your odds and bring five items and receive five tickets! All food donations go to the Orcas Island Food Bank.

Visit for more info on our practitioners, call 376-4002 or stop by 453 North Beach Road, Eastsound. Please call 360 376-4002 for appointment Mon-Sat 9am-3pm. Appointments fill quickly

Thanks to Anita Holladay and Jessica Haug