Feldenkrais Method/Eurythmy Class @ Orcas Senior Center, beginning Tuesday, January 24-March 14, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Orcas Senior Center and Andrea Preiss, Feldenkrais Method practitioner and therapeutic eurythmist, invite you to join an 8-session movement class at Orcas Senior Center beginning Tuesday, January 24, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Mainly in sitting position, the gentle exercises of the Feldenkrais Method and eurythmy, will help enhance your mobility, stability, balance, and vision. Series fee is $96 ($80 for friends of OSC) or drop in for $12 per session ($10 for friends of OSC). Please wear comfortable clothing and non-slippery shoes.

Andrea is a physical therapist that has been practicing the Feldenkrais Method and eurythmy for nearly 40 years. Certified in Germany in 2002, Andrea taught at various locations throughout Seattle and started a private practice in 2019.  

For inquiries, reach out directly to Andrea at andrea-preiss@sound-movement.org or 206-383-7705. To learn more about Andrea go to https://sound-movement.org/.

To our friends and supporters:

Last year was a busy year at Orcas Senior Center, as we reintroduced in-person lunches, programs and activities. Today, our Nutrition Program (home-delivered Meals on Wheels and community lunches) is serving more seniors than ever before, while the range of new activities and the return of well-loved traditional activities is increasing month-by-month. The two Companion Services programs, Hearts and Hands and Buddy Check-In, continued to grow in 2022; as did a new program piloted last year: Home Maintenance and Repair. These programs will continue in 2023.

In the background, we prepared for the transition to a new nonprofit, Friends of Orcas Senior Center, which took over operations this month. The Senior Services Council of San Juan County (a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization), which until now has overseen operations of the senior centers on Orcas, Lopez, and San Juan islands, will be dissolving. Last year, all parties worked closely with attorneys to ensure a seamless transition, with no interruption in services. Now, with the transition complete, we anticipate that services will improve, since having a single nonprofit entity focused just on Orcas will allow us to streamline administration, give us more flexibility in programming, and provide much needed stability.

Of course, we couldn’t do any of this without your support, and the scores of volunteers who help make the center such a vibrant and active place. The Friends of Orcas Senior Center will depend on your support and your volunteer efforts just as much as did the Orcas District of the Senior Council. We thank you for being our friends, supporters, and volunteers, and look forward to continuing to serve you and bringing many exciting new programs your way in 2023. To learn more about volunteer opportunities at the center please contact Programs and Activities Manager, Steven Ziegler, at 206-413-6156.

Silent Auction @ Orcas Senior Center – February 13-21

Come one, come all! Break the winter doldrums by taking part in a silent auction from February 13 to 21, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Orcas Senior Center (OSC). Beginning on Monday, February 13, you will find a selection of home décor, framed art, quilts, and other interesting items on auction.

All are items donated to Orcas Senior Center, with profits going directly to support OSC. The winner of each item will be the person with the highest bid when the auction closes promptly at 1pm on Monday, February 21. Have any nicer items that you would like to donate? If so, contact Lynnette Wood at Lynnette@orcasseniors.org.