Tuesday, October 6, from 2 – 4 and 5 – 7

— by Margie Doyle —

Concept drawing for expansion of the Orcas Public Library

Previous concept drawing for expansion of the Orcas Public Library.

This Tuesday, Oct. 6, the Orcas Public Library will host two meetings to update the public on the design work for the expansion project, “Books and Beyond: The Next Chapter.”

Architects from the selected design firm, HKP Architects of Mt Vernon, will give a presentation summarizing the input from the first series of meetings on Sept. 22. (see https://theorcasonian.com/big-steps-now-in-library-expansion-project )

HKP will also bring hand-drawn preliminary sketches illustrating some of the options presented at the earlier meetings.

HKP designed the current library building, dedicated in 1993, as well as the recent Orcas Historical Museum addition. According to the Public Awareness Coordinator Alex Conrad, HKP was chosen based in part on its ideas which fleshed out “the existing building’s design while incorporating contemporary sustainability features into a complementary expansion footprint. ”

current and proposed  square footage for library areas

current and proposed square footage for library areas

The Library’s Owner Representative (Project Manager) for the expansion is Liz LeRoy, who recently oversaw the Orcas school district’s $11.9 million bond remodeling project.

Senator Kevin Ranker helped secure $1.4 million in capital funds from the state’s 2016-2017 budget for the Expansion. Bob Henigson bequeathed more than $1.3 Million to the Library through the Friends of the Library. In addition, the Friends of the Orcas Library have pledged an additional $100,000 and numerous other generous donations have brought the total to nearly $3 Million. An estimated final 10% of the project budget still needs to be raised.

The Library looks forward to engaging with the island community. Soon, a series of advisory committees regarding the project will be announced ranging from technology to programs to collections. This will be an excellent opportunity to lend your voice to the project. Library Director, Phil Heikkinen is also always available to answer questions about the project: pheikinnen@orcaslibrary.org