I want to invite you to the second talk in our series about developing a makerspace system in San Juan County. It will be this coming Friday from noon to 1PM.

We will be hearing from Marcy Montgomery and Stephen Shrader, co-founders of the San Juan Makers Guild, about their asset mapping program. For more information, please see their full text below this email. They request people take a look at their website (https://www.sanjuanmakersguild.com/) before the talk.

After we hear from Marcy and Stephen, we’ll have time for some Q&A, and then break up into smaller groups so that people can get to know others who are interested in making a makerspace system a reality in our archipelago.

The talk will be on Zoom. If you registered for Todd Nicholson’s talk on Oct, 23rd, you should be able to attend if you still have the Zoom link. If not, you can register through this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtdeuhrz0iGNMqP3lMhgNvRxl5lrsPRiAT . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please invite others who may be interested. However, please note that due to privacy concerns we are only inviting adults to register.

The San Juan Makers Guild was founded in 2019 to provide small business tools and services that promote maker enterprises. Serving Artists, Performers, Artisans, Designers, Food Producers, Builders and Manufacturers, the Guild is showcasing and supporting the diverse network of enterprises that contribute to the maker economy in the San Juans.

A new research and market analysis project starting this fall is developing an asset mapping tool that will be identifying makers and the resources they use or need. Early in 2021, the survey tool will begin gathering input from makers across all creative, food, building and tech sectors to provide an inclusive picture of maker capacities, current needs, and future opportunities. Working in conjunction with the Northwest Business Agriculture Center, the SJI Agricultural Guild, and the USDA Rural Business Development Grant program, a project outcome will be the publication of a market analysis to assist businesses in identifying and developing new sales and employment opportunities that grow the maker economy in San Juan County.

The Makers Guild encourages maker input during this survey design period for the asset mapping and needs assessments. The EDC online meeting on November 13th is a setting where makers across all industries can offer suggestions for strategic and meaningful data that can be collected in the survey process.

Presenters are Marcy Montgomery and Stephen Shrader, co-founders of the San Juan Makers Guild, a non-profit program.

In advance of meeting, please see the Guild’s web site and maker directory under development as the initial step in the asset mapping at www.sanjuanmakersguild.com . If you have a maker business not yet included in the directory, email sjmg@sanjuanmakersguild.com.

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