January 21 on Lopez, January 22 on Orcas and San Juan

John Lenti, lutenist from Seattle is one of the musicians who will play in Salish Sea Early Music Festival.

The second annual 2012 Salish Sea Early Music Festival, featuring some of the most accomplished performers on period instruments from around the country and Europe, presents five programs of early chamber music on period instruments on Lopez, Orcas and San Juan Islands through May

The Sun King’s Music  will present music from the court of Louis XIV on instruments with which the king was familiar, with Joanna Blendulf from Eugene, Oregon on viola da gamba and pardessus de viole, John Lenti on baroque guitar, and baroque flutist Jeffrey Cohan on Lopez Island on Saturday, January 21 at 7:00 PM at Grace Church at 70 Sunset Lane (360.468-3477 for info), on Orcas Island on Sunday afternoon, January 22 at 1:30 PM in the Music Room at Rosario Resort at 1400 Rosario Road (800.281-8026 for info), and in Friday Harbor on Sunday evening, January 22 at 7:00 PM at St. David’s Church at 780 Park Street in (360.378-5360 for info). Please note the concert details for additional performances around the Puget Sound below.

The suggested donation, a free will offering towards expenses, is $15 or $20 for all concerts. Youth 18 and under are free. For further information the public is requested to call the numbers listed above, or visit ConcertSpirituel,org.

Tickets and season passes will also be available through Brown Paper Tickets, although these will be available at the door.