Ted Pietsch

Updated May 14 at 9 p.m.

SeaDoc recently announced that it has hired on two new visiting scientists to help with important projects.

Ted Pietsch, a professor at the University of Washington’s Burke Museum with a long record of research and publication, joins SeaDoc to create a definitive list of all the fishes that use the Salish Sea ecosystem. This project will characterize when and where the fish species use the ecosystem, much like the SeaDoc society’s lists of mammals and birds published in 2011. Also like our list of birds and mammals, we anticipate that this list will help guide long-term research and restoration efforts.

John Aschoff

John Aschoff, a computer and GIS specialist, joined SeaDoc to help start the new underwater habitat mapping initiative. John is a resident of Orcas, an active member of the San Juan Islands’ Marine Resources Committee, and for the past year or two has been helping Tombolo director Gary Greene with GIS and habitat mapping.

The SeaDoc Society is a program of the Wildlife Health Center, a center of excellence at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. The Society uses science to find solutions to problems facing marine ecosystems. For more information, go to seadocsociety.org.