by Lin McNulty

This sea monster, an obvious relative of the Loch Ness Monster, was spotted on Crescent Beach this morning. Photo: Jeff Rodenberger

Facebook was all a-twitter this morning with the posting of a photo of a frightening, wayward sea monster spotted on Crescent Beach. Islander Jeff Rodenberger, on a routine morning walk, spotted the creature and was able to snap this rare photograph.

There was no doubt that the monster resembles, and therefore is believed to be a distant, albeit salt water, cousin to the famed cryptozoological Loch Ness Monster from the Scottish Highlands. There were various opinions offered, however, about what the Crescent Beach Monster might be called, with perhaps the most obvious being “Cressie.”

The most recent documented sighting of Nessie was June 15, 2011, and seems to occur once every three or four years or so. One might expect, therefore, the same appearance schedule from our own Monster.

Authorities were not contacted for fear of governmental interference that might cause Cressie to withdraw back into the deep. No plans have been revealed to install a Cressie Concession on the beach.

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