Score! is open with Tina Roye and Donna Wildman ready to help!

SCORE! is open with Tina Roye and Donna Wildman ready to help!

By Margie Doyle

SCORE! the “Nifty Thrifty” variety store is open for business in the Post Office building in Eastsound.

Need a pillow, a board game, a mirror, dishes, earrings or a unique work of art? You may well find it at your next visit to SCORE!

The latest business dedicated to community sharing, SCORE! is the bright idea of Susan Malins, who serves on the Orcas Recycling Services (ORS/The Exchange) board and Tina Roye, a mainstay volunteer of the Exchange, which burned at the Orcas transfer station site last February.

Malins says, “I was part of a team looking for an alternative site for the Exchange until it’s rebuilt, and failed. We’re working to rebuild the Exchange as soon as possible; and in the meantime we adapted the Exchange model to provide used items that are clean and in good working order at an affordable cost. This space in the Eastsound Post Office building, with parking in back, seemed like the perfect location.

“I talked to Tina Roye, my partner, and said ‘I’m ready’ and she said ‘I’m ready,’ so we took the leap and opened within two weeks of making the decision. Her expertise and dedication to the community are invaluable.”

They’ve been joined by their “Number One Volunteer” Donna Wildman. “We are a great team,” says Susan “and treasure all our incredible volunteers.”

Now with their Sneak Peek Week behind them, SCORE! is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

“We want to encourage people to donate their items and share household goods with the community.” Donations are accepted by appointment, made by calling Tina Roye at 420-8220, Susan at 376-8375 or Donna at 472-1893.

People who are housecleaning or downsizing bring household items in, and summer visitors, new households, and those in search of that certain something will find SCORE! Nifty Thrifty answers their needs. Malins says, “I’ve been a thrifty shopper for three decades and always enjoyed the process; and we don’t want stuff going into the waste stream or being carted to the mainland. The temporary loss of the Exchange has created a gap in this kind of service. After 30 years we’ve learned and appreciate how important it is to re-use things.”

Twenty-five percent of all profits will be donated to Orcas Island non-profit organizations.

Sorry, but space and consideration of other island shops limit SCORE! from accepting:

  • Appliances larger than a microwave
  • Automotive
  • Batteries
  • Bikes
  • Books
  • Clothing
  • Computers
  • Construction materials
  • Food
  • Large furniture
  • Liquids
  • Older televisions
  • Plumbing

“It’s lots of fun to find something you need or enjoy at a very low price. Financially, times are tough for many of us, so we wanted to create a place where necessary and nifty stuff is available.”

“I feel very content doing this. It’s fun and varied and a service; I’m in that time of life where I want to do something that matters.

“And this, in a small way, matters.”