— by Lin McNulty —

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“Where do rocks come from?” was a question from a toddler as she was entering the Science Fair on Saturday afternoon. Her question was not answered by any of the exhibits inside the Funhouse. Perhaps she will still have this same question, and her answer, when she enters her first Science Fair in another 5-6 years.

Among the questions asked/answered, among the hypotheses presented, were some well-thought out experiments by local students:

  • Boy vs. dog: How different is our DNA?
  • A look into Pit Bull fighting.
  • Energy savings of turning off unused appliances.
  • A homemade parabolic microphone.
  • Gun safety.
  • Bad stuff in the air, and…
  • Who needs OPALCO?

Toddlers were entranced with blowing bubbles outside in the warm sun. And the building all but cleared when Reptile Man brought in his tubs of living reptiles into the yard.

As judges in white lab coats and orange wizard hats toured the exhibits, the students thoughtfully gave presentations on their projects and answered their questions.

As far as “where do rocks come from…” A question for another day.