By Nita Couchman
Orcas Public Library Children’s Librarian

The 2009 Summer Reading Program, “Be Creative,” begins Saturday, June 20, at the Orcas Island Public Library.

The program runs from June 20th to August 22nd, and is open to children from preschool through middle school.  Parents of preschoolers are encouraged to enroll their children and read aloud with them as part of the reading program.

Although the first day of registration for the summer reading program is Saturday, June 20, registration will be ongoing throughout the summer.  Children interested in joining the reading program can enroll at the Library during open hours and pick up their reading program packets.  Children will receive “library dollars” for books they read, which can then be used to “buy” popular paperback books from the Reading Program “Store” at the Library.

This year we’ll be having a weekly drawing for a bag of surprise goodies.  All kids who have their reading log checked at the Library during the week will be able to enter their name for that week’s drawing.

Weekly “BE CREATIVE” activity programs will be held on Wednesday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:30 at the Library.  All activity programs are free and no registration is required.  For a complete calendar of activities, stop by the Library or check our website at on the Kids & Teens page.

Kids are also invited to be part of the Library’s Summer Reading Program entry in the July 4th Parade.  Our Wednesday activity on July 1st will be decorating paper masks that kids can wear when they walk with us in the parade.  A Summer Reading Program t-shirt will be given to the first 20 kids who show up on parade day to walk in the Library parade entry.  For more information, please call Nita Couchman at the Library, 376-4985.

Other special events for kids include Orcas Storyfest & Pajama Tales on the evening of August 5th, and Children’s Craft booths at the Library Fair on August 8th.  Our grand finale will be a children’s concert with special guest Hans Mayer on Sunday afternoon, August 23rd on the Library lawn.

The regular weekly schedule of family storytimes will continue to be Thursdays, 10:00 to 10:30, at the Library, and Saturdays, 11:30 – noon, at the Village Green (weather permitting).

Please stop by the library or visit our website for a detailed schedule of summer activities for kids.  Programs are free of charge and are open to all children.  Library hours are Monday – Thursday, 10:00 am – 7:00 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 10:00 am – 5:00 p.m.  For more information about any of these programs, please contact Nita Couchman, Children’s Librarian, at 376-4985.

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