— by Colleen Stewart, Orcas Farm to Cafeteria Gardenkeeper–

KaleIf they haven’t already flown off the shelf, you may still have the opportunity to buy the debut Farm to Cafeteria-grown bunches of Lacinato (aka Dino) kale at the Co-op this week. Twenty big verdant bunches were harvested Thursday by students grades K-6 that maintain the Orcas Public School Garden.

This sale is just the beginning of our partnership with the Co-op, as we intend to sell a variety of excess produce and seed packets come spring. The veggie profits will go straight back into the garden, funding seed purchases and cob oven pizza parties. The partnership gives students an outlet to share the products of their work and joy in the garden with the community. We are grateful to the Co-op for showcasing this bounty and for buying from local growers.

As a program we have been seeking new ways to participate more outside our garden gate and become more financially sustainable.

The garden made its farmers market debut this past summer and nearly sold out of produce. Students came to harvest early in the morning and took shifts working the table throughout the day. The garden has also been hiring 5th grade student Cooper Rankin (of Cooper’s Lawncare) to clear brush piles and cut down invasive blackberries. These experiences allow students to participate in the island economy and realize the value of their efforts and creative endeavors, outside the classroom and out in the world.

We invite you to support the work we do in Farm to Cafeteria each week by keeping an eye out for our colorful and grown-with-care wares at the Co-op!