Dear Students, Families, Staff, & Community,

COVID cases across the state are on the decline, and indoor mask requirements for the state will end on March 11, 2022 as announced yesterday by Governor Jay Inslee.  Once the statewide requirement is lifted on March 12, masks will be encouraged in our school buildings and on buses, but not required, with the expectation that an individual’s choice will be respected by all.  Masking outdoors will become optional for OISD students on Wednesday, March 2.

Please note that until March 12, masks will continue to be mandatory for all students, staff, and visitors in all OISD buildings and on buses.  Masks will continue to be provided for those who do not have them.

More guidance from the state including testing, contract tracing, isolation, and quarantining will be forthcoming.

Thank you for your continued flexibility as we navigate this pandemic together.