Thursday, March 22, 5 p.m., Orcas School Library

— from Orcas Island School Board —

Orcas School Board will meet in a special session on Thursday, March 22 at 5 p.m. in the school library.

Agenda follows:

The Board will adjourn to meet in a closed Executive Session to discuss personnel matters, per RCW They will begin their session in an executive session and reconvene in public session at 5:30 p.m.,

*1. Approve Agenda
*2. Approve Consent Agenda

3. Members of the community, parents, staff, administrators and visitors are invited to make an announcement.

4. ASBReport
5. OEAReport
6. PSEReport
7. Mark Tompkins, SJC Health Dept re:Immunizations.

(Administrators will field questions only, as reports were previously submitted in writing to the board)
8. Capital Projects- Liz LeRoy
9. Business Report – Keith Whitaker
10. PreK-6 Principal Report – Lorena Stankevich
11. OASIS/Special Ed Director – Becky Bell
12. 7-12 Principal Report – Kyle Freeman
13. Superintendent’s Report – Eric Webb
14. Board’s running questions: Waldron Site Visit.

15. Members of the community, parents, students, staff, administrators and visitors are invited to make statements or requests that are in the best interest of our schools, with each presentation limited to not more than three minutes.

*16. Approve Athletic Director’s request to allow 8th Grade students to play on OHS Varsity Baseball Team – WIAA has approved.
*17. Accept $1500. donation from The United Way.
*18. Accept Artist Brook Meinhardt’s wood portrait/sculpture of Lincoln – valued at well over $500.Donor prefers anonymity.
*19. Approve 2018-19 OHS Course Guide.
*20. Approve 2018-19 School Calendars and 19-20 Hard dates.
*21. Second reading and possible adoption of updates/revisions to the following Policy:
◦ 2145 Suicide Prevention
◦ 2340 Religious Related Activities and Practices
◦ 4020 ConfidentiaL Communications
*22. First reading of WSSDA recommended updates/revisions to the following policies:

    • 2104 Federal and or State Funded Instructional Programs;
    • 2108 Learning Assistance Programs;
    • 3232 Parent and Student Rights in Admin of Surveys,etc;
    • 3244 Prohibition of Corporal Punishment;
    • Safe and Orderly Learning Environment;
    • 6535 Student Insurance.