Notice of a Regular School Board Meeting  Thursday, March 28, 2019


5:00 PM ​CALL TO ORDER Regular Monthly Mtg. ​–​ ​School Library.  ​

  • Approve Agenda ​
  • Approve Consent Agenda

PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS  Members of the community, parents, staff, administrators and visitors are invited to make an announcement. ​


  • ASB Report
  • OEA Report
  • PSE Report
  • Montessori Registration & Enrollment Procedures- Georgette Wong, Dana Thompson-Carver, Kathy Youngren


  • Capital Projects- Liz LeRoy
  • Business Report – Keith Whitaker
  • K-12 Math Curriculum Review – Kyle Freeman and Lorena Stankevich
  • Data and Program Review, Social and Emotional Learning – SEL Staff and Principals.
  • Board’s running questions: Review upcoming meetings schedule; Waldron Site Visit; WSSDA Regional Mtg. 5/11.

​PUBLIC COMMENTS Members of the community, parents, students, staff, administrators and visitors are invited to make statements or requests that are in the best interest of our schools, with each presentation limited to not more than three minutes.


14. Approve enrollment assumption for 2019-20 school year budgeting process.

15. Accept the following donations: ● $1,000.00 from United Way of San Juan County for Primary Intervention Program; ● $ 800.00 from Doug McTavish for co-sponsoring with OIEF the Band trip to Seattle Opera.

  • Approve Montessori Public Registration & Enrollment Procedures.
  • Approve 2019-20 OHS Course Guide.
  • Approve 2019-20 School Calendar.
  • Approve PIP (Primary Intervention Program).
  • Approve WSSDA recommended deletion of Policy 2422 Homework (from 1995).
  • ​First reading​ of the following policy suggestions/revisions/updates:
  • 2030 Service Animals in Schools; 3141 Nonresident Students;
  • 3143 District Notification of Juvenile Offenders;
  • 3226 Interviews and Interrogations of Students;
  • 3231 Student Records; 4310 District Relationships with Law Enforcement and Other Government Agencies; 6210 Purchasing Authorizations and Control
  • Accept resignation of School Board Member, Josh Culp.
  • Review OISD Policy 1114 Board Resignation and Vacancy. ​