The school board will hold a work session Thurs. Jan. 22 beginning at 3 p.m. to discuss whether to pursue a future bond issue. Public input is welcome. The work session will be followed by the Board’s executive (private) session at 4:30. The regular January meeting, will convene at 5:30 pm. As usual, the Board will meet at the school library.

January is School Board Appreciation Month. Orcas Island Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) President Barb Skotte said, “Our school board members are volunteers who give many hours each month doing their best to help our schools and kids. Given the current economic times, this often requires them to make difficult choices and weather considerable criticism. Please take the time to thank our board members (Janet Brownell, Tony Ghazel, Charlie Glasser, Scott Lancaster and Keith Whitaker) for all they do!”

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