The San Juan Islands Scenic Byway and San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau Announce an invitation to attend a Public Workshop and A Call for Inspiration.

The public is invited to attend a community workshop on the development of a corridor management plan (CMP) for the San Juan Islands Scenic Byway. A CMP is created by communities along scenic byways to identify strategies for stewardship, protection, and enhancement of the byway’s unique qualities, as well as actions for promoting the byway and improving visitor experience. The San Juan Island Scenic Byway includes routes on San Juan and Orcas islands, and the ferry route from Anacortes.

More information can be found at: The public is invited come to one of the public meetings listed below to:

  • Learn more about the corridor management planning process and how you can be involved
  • Provide input about the unique qualities of the byway
  • Help shape elements to be addressed in the corridor management plan
  • Learn more about how to participate in the Call for Inspiration to provide ideas for the byway logo

The workshops will be held on San Juan Island on Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at the Mullis Community and Senior Center, Friday Harbor, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.; and at Orcas Island on Wednesday, February 3, 2010, at the Orcas Island Senior Center, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.