Orcas Center is pleased to offer a three-day Improv Workshop with Brian James O’Connell, geared to help you not just on stage, but with any artistic endeavor you do!  Through his decades of award-winning stagecraft, filmmaking, and producing, Brian has created the curriculum ALL IMPROV—a way of looking at everything you create and unlocking its maximum potential. Each day of class focuses on a different aspect of performance:

Day One (June 25) – SCENE: The concept of how to understand and execute the scene dynamics you need to find your “position” in the scene and then play it to the hilt.

Day Two (June 26) – STORY: Understanding scripted material is paramount to understanding how improvisation plays in front of an audience, so give yourself the gift of knowing what you’re building before you pick up the tools to begin.

Day Three (June 27) – SHOW: To apply the skills you’ve learned over the past two sessions, Brian will teach the long-form format “The Deconstruction”, containing every single possible permutation of scene approach and thematic development.

Classes meet at Orcas Center on the mainstage at 6-8pm on June 25, 26, and 27 (Tues/Weds/Thurs) with a showcase performance on Friday, June 29! Tuition is $100, payable at class.

For more information visit www.OrcasCenter.org.