— from The Madrona Institute —

Washington’s new San Juan Islands vehicle license plate will be ready for order October 1, 2019.

The art for the special plate is adapted from an original pastel submitted by San Juan Island artist Nancy Spaulding. Ms. Spaulding’s entry, “Evening Passage,” was the voter’s choice out of 47 entries in a local art contest. The special license plate will raise money to fund conservation and stewardship initiatives in the San Juan Islands.

Legislation authorizing the new license plate passed as EHB1996. Many thanks to Representative Debra Lekanoff, who was the lead on this bill, as well as Senator Liz Lovelett, both of whom worked diligently to get the bill through session. On April 29, 2019, Governor Jay Inslee signed the bill into law.

Thanks also to The Terrestrial Managers Group, specifically member Marcia de deChadenedes, for originating the idea, the Stewardship Network of the San Juans for endorsing the effort, and The Madrona Institute for serving as the organizational sponsor.

The initial cost of a San Juan Islands license is $77.25, with a renewal fee of $30 in addition to annual tab fees, which vary by location and type of vehicle. These plates can be purchased through the Washington Department of Licensing. A portion of the fees collected, $28 per plate, will go to The Madrona Institute for support of conservation and stewardship projects and programs in the San Juans, and the remainder of the fee, $2.00, is dedicated to the DOL’s costs for administering the program.

The County Council passed Resolution #35 on October 1 endorsing the special license plate, and sales have been brisk according to Kira Sable at our local Licensing Office.