Saturday, April 27, 2 p.m., Friday Harbor Airport Terminal Building

— from Captain Dan Schwartz —

The Port of Friday Harbor and the San Juan Pilots Association are pleased to recognize our 2019 aviation honoree. This joint effort features a different pilot every year. The Honor Wall at the Port of Friday Harbor Airport commemorates the history of aviation in the San Juan Islands since the early post World War II years when Roy Franklin first established scheduled air service linking San Juan Island with the mainland.

The selection committee this year has chosen Arthur “Dennis” Willows, recognizing his long service to our Friday Harbor aviation community. In addition to his serving as Director of the University of Washington’s marine laboratory, Dennis has been a tireless ambassador for general aviation in the San Juan Islands. He has inspired and mentored many aviation enthusiasts, taught high school students how to build an airplane, championed STEM education at our schools, and supported scholarship programs for aspiring young aerospace professionals.

Please join us at the Friday Harbor Airport Terminal Building on Saturday April 27 at 2 p.m. for the presentation ceremony and light refreshments.