From Jim Corenman, Chair, San Juan Islands Ferry Advisory Committee

As David Moseley (Assistant Secretary for WSDOT and executive of the ferry system) announced at the June 7 WSF Public Meetings on the inter-island ferry and in Friday Harbor, WSF will be establishing a Community Partnership Group to assist with planning for a vehicle reservations system for the San Juan Islands routes.  The group will consist of approximately 20 members from all four ferry-served islands and will begin meeting this fall.

This group will meet approximately every six weeks for up to 1½ years to establish the reservation plan for the San Juans. Meeting schedules and locations are not yet set, but will likely alternate between in-person and online meetings.

“I look forward to beginning this very important process with our customers in the San Juan Islands,” said Assistant Secretary David Moseley, “We have engaged this community partnership process on two routes in the system to great success. This process has been essential to understanding the unique needs of our customers, and to exploring ways to meet these needs. Please join me in partnership as we explore this possibility together.”

WSF will make the final group selection and has asked the San Juan County Ferry Advisory Committee (FAC) to solicit interest and make recommendations.  WSF and FAC are looking for participants who will commit to the meeting schedule, and who represent an important user group. Specifically, WSF is seeking customers who routinely use the system, including representation from residents, frequent riders, ferry-dependent businesses, the hospitality industry, etc. Key requirements include willingness to:

  • Attend regularly scheduled meetings
  • Travel to meetings
  • Review materials before/after each meeting
  • Use technology, including email, conference calls, and web for online meetings/discussions
  • Willingness to explore possible solutions to issues identified.

Interested residents should send an email to the FAC at: by Monday August 13. Please include your contact information and a brief background and description of your interests and how you can contribute.