— by Barbara Jensen for the San Juans Audubon Society —

Fall is here and it is time to get out on the water to see returning wintering birds and some hard to see marine birds. Great flocks of wintering ducks, loons, and grebes are arriving, whales are here along with other marine mammals. If you want to meet other birders this is a wonderful opportunity. We are going with Eclipse Charters https://www.orcasislandwhales.com/ this year. Check out their website to get a feel for the boat. It has comfortable inside seating and decks on the bow, sides and top for great viewing.

We sail on Sunday, October 11th. The boat will be leave Friday Harbor at 11:30 a.m. and return at 3:30 p.m. There will also be a drop off at Orcas. The price is $85. Your check holds your spot. Contact Barbara Jensen, skylark@rockisland.com for information. Space is limited. Dress for the weather! Be sure to have warm layers, including a warm coat and raincoat, gloves, hat, warm footwear, pants and so on. You can always take off layers but cannot put on clothing you don’t have. Bring binoculars, a camera if you like, a small pack for your stuff, water, sunscreen, and a small lunch.

We have done several boat trips and they are always fun. There are always other birders who will help people spot birds and other great things, maybe a whale or two. The natural history of our area is wonderful to experience on the water and I hope you will join us!