— from Ingrid R. Gabriel, San Juan County Council Clerk —

Eight months ago the County Council passed a resolution making San Juan County a voluntary Leave No Trace Area to facilitate the protection and preservation of our natural environment for all people- current and future generations. San Juan County is the first and only county in the nation to adopt these principles. We are using the LNT guiding principles to establish a culture of stewardship for all people residing in and visiting the County.

Our Public Works Department has embraced these principles by managing beach access at county road ends. The Parks and Fair Department is implementing the principles through interaction with visitors to our parks and campgrounds.

We applaud the efforts of the Bureau of Land Management and the National Parks Service in carrying out these principles on their lands. The combined efforts of these organizations and others on land and marine environments will enhance everyone’s experience of the natural or urban environment in San Juan County.


Bob Jarman, District No. 1
Jamie Stephens, District No. 3
Rick Hughes, District No. 2