Are you an Orcas resident who is passionate and knowledgeable about affordable housing in San Juan County? San Juan County is seeking a new member for the Housing Advisory Committee to fill the Orcas Island position on the committee.

The Committee is the main advisory body to the County Council on affordable housing issues. It oversees several county programs that impact affordable housing including the Home Fund, the Equity Loan Program which provides down payment loans for low-income first time home buyers, document recording fees, rental subsidies for extremely low income qualified seniors and more.  The HAC also advises the County Council on policy issues concerning housing for low, moderate and middle income citizens in our community.

HAC members are expected to participate in monthly public meetings, in person or by conference call.  HAC members are volunteers that are appointed by the County Council. Currently there is a vacancy for one member from Orcas Island.

For more information on the HAC please visit: https://www.sanjuanco.com/632/Housing-Advisory-Committee

For more information on how to apply to the HAC or to fill out an Advisory Committee Application please visit: https://www.sanjuanco.com/641/Board-Committee-Vacancies

Contact Housing Program Coordinator Ryan Page with questions or inquiries at 360-370-0590 or ryanp@sanjuanco.com