Since the last update on Friday March 18, there have been three new confirmed or probable cases in San Juan County. Current case count is now 1265.

LOPEZ ISLAND: There are no new cases on Lopez Island since the last update.
ORCAS ISLAND: There is 1 new case on Orcas Island since the last update.
SAN JUAN ISLAND: There are 2 new cases on San Juan Island since the last update.

Case Rates:
Cases have finally dwindled in the islands, and the ongoing surge on San Juan Island seems to have finally wrapped up (knock on wood). This is identical to the dramatic drop off that has been seen in most other jurisdictions over the last month, San Juan Island was just slow to get there.

Going Forward:
Public Health experts are expecting another surge of cases beginning in maybe two or more weeks from now, but hopefully the surge will be far less than what was seen over the last few months, and hopefully there will not be any need for returning to requirements around masking or social distancing.

Those who are high risk or who are interacting closely with those who are high risk should continue to be thoughtful and work to minimize exposure, especially if case counts begin rising again.

Next week will be the final written weekly update for cases. Those who wish to keep up with case numbers may do so at the SJC COVID Data Dashboard. The Health Department will certainly release future written updates if the situation changes dramatically and there is critical information that needs to be shared with the community.


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