— from Barbara Bevens for The San Juan County Fair Board —

Did you know that the San Juan County Fair is self-supporting?

Indeed, it is the only county entity that is. Funding sources are primarily by grants, sponsorships and donations. The biggest single grant comes from the State of Washington. Sadly, every year it comes up on the chopping block and its instability always makes us sweat. That grant is about $36,000 and still only barely covers the Ribbons and Premiums.

We used to get a different grant from the State of Washington that was called a Health and Safety Grant to be used to improve buildings and grounds. That source has completely dried up, so now it’s up to us.

The most important source of funding comes from Fair sponsorships. ValMark, better known as King’s and Market Place, brings us the Main Stage Entertainment headliners. Other local entertainers sponsor the fair by donating their services and play for free. An anonymous donor brings us free camping for exhibitors. That’s great for those who bring goods, entries, and animals from other islands. Another anonymous donor pays the gate entry fee for kids under 15. Pretty generous of them, wouldn’t you say?

Can you sponsor an act or a department or a piece of the fair that’s important to you? It is tax deductible. Call the Fair Office at 378-4310.